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Pizza oven at Hotel Skovly

We have purchased a beautiful little pizza oven, set it up in our grill area and you, as a hotel guest, can use it for free. It runs on gas - just like many of our grills - and is also plugged in every day!

You have to provide the ingredients for your pizza yourself - but read on because there is an easy solution to that!


Fresh pizzas

Fresh pizzas can be bought in our supermarkets on Bornholm, Kvickly, Netto and Rema 1000 in Rønne have several varieties - and the same applies to SuperBrugsen in Hasle.
The pizzas are decorated and ready for the oven. You can of course add more guf - if you wish.
The price of such a pizza is approx. DKK 35 to 50

If you choose a frozen version, it is recommended that it is prepared thawed!


The oven gets VERY hot!

The oven must preheat for about 15 minutes, until the temperature is about 400 degrees. the heat is turned down to 50% and the pizza is placed in the oven.

The oven is very hot - so do not leave the oven during baking!

Rotate the pizza every 30 seconds - your pizza is ready after about 2 minutes!


Small herb garden

You are most welcome to use the small herb garden we have planted for you - but please think of others - by not harvesting it all yourself.

If there are any herbs you would like - please contact the reception or our staff - and we will find out how to buy them!


How is the oven used?

We have made a small film that explains how to use our pizza oven.

It is very easy to use, as long as you remember the little good advice you have been given.

Watch the film here!

©2024 Hotel Skovly

Nyker Strandvej 40, 3700 Rønne, Denmark
Tel.: +45 5695 0784 - - CVR 14975896

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